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Tap water

Our tap water costs 1.13 euros per cubic metre. You are also charged fixed costs, taxes on tap water and VAT.

View all tap water rates

You can find your customer number in My Waternet for tap water, on your tap water bill or on your bank account statement for your tap water installments.

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Your water usage ('waterverbruik') is stated on your annual statement. The annual statement can be found at my tap water bills.

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Waternet supplies tap water in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Diemen, Heemstede, Muiden, Muiderberg and Ouder-Amstel.

Do we supply tap water at your new address? Then make sure to register as a new customer.

View our service area

You cannot change the name on the tap water account yourself. The new customer must register himself. After that you will automatically receive a final bill.

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If you do not have a water meter, we estimate your water consumption. Your tap water bill is based on the number of units of your home. For example, your kitchen counts as one unit.

More about units

If your home has a water meter, we request that you submit your meter reading once a year. This will alow us to determine your annual water consumption.
Annual tap water bill

Of course, a high annual tap water statement is an unpleasant surprise. Take a look at the possible reasons for a high annual tap water statement.

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Are you moving? Do you have a water meter? Please tell us you are moving and submit your last meter reading. You will receive a final tap water 6 weeks after you have informed us of your move.
Final tap water bill

If your home does not have a water meter, your water bill is based on the number of units of your home.

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