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Tap water

Read about tap water rates. Submit your meter reading. Or change your instalment amount. Find your answers here.

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View our tap water rates and compare them to previous year's rates.

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Have you ever wondered what the average water use of households in and around Amsterdam might be? Find out what we use our tap water for.

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Was your home built before 1960? Then there may be too much lead in your drinking water. This is due to old lead water pipes in the home.

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Questions about tap water

Your water usage ('waterverbruik') is stated on your annual statement. The annual statement can be found at my tap water bills.

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You cannot change the name on the tap water account yourself. The new customer must register himself. After that you will automatically receive a final bill.

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Waternet supplies tap water in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Diemen, Heemstede, Muiden, Muiderberg and Ouder-Amstel.

Do we supply tap water at your new address? Then make sure to register as a new customer.

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