Questions and answers
Please view the answers to frequently asked questions. Is your question not listed? Please use the search function.
Billing and payments
Why does Waternet withdraw 2 amounts from my bank account each month?
Sometimes, we will withdraw 2 amounts from your bank account in 1 month. Often, 1 amount is for your tap water and 1 amount is for your water authority tax. Or you may have been charged for 2 years of water authority tax in one go. Find out which bills you have paid.
What are Waternet's bank account numbers?
View our bank account numbers. Please use a different one for each service: your tap water and water authority tax.
Why did I receive a tax assessment for multiple years?
Did you receive multiple bills for water authority tax? Or shorty after each other? That can happen.
Moving home
I have moved but am still paying the water authority tax. Why is that?
This may happen if you pay in instalments. You will then pay your assessment in the same portions. And maybe you have not paid all the instalments yet.
I am moving or I just moved here. What do I need to do?
Are you moving to or out of Amsterdam? Then you need to take action for your tap water.
I have moved. How can I register at Waternet?
You can easily register for tap water online. You do not have to register for water authority tax.
About your bill
I received a warrant, but I did not receive the original assessment.
Perhaps you received your assessment via MijnOverheid.
I do not have a water meter. How is my tap water bill determined?
If you do not have a water meter, we estimate your water consumption. Your tap water bill is based on the number of units of your home. For example, your kitchen counts as one unit.
The number of units on my tap water bill is wrong.
Do you not have a water meter in your home? Then your tap water bill is based on the number of units in your home. Is the number of units on your bill incorrect? Then please contact our customer service team.
Tap water
Where does Waternet supply tap water?
Waternet supplies tap water in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Diemen, Heemstede, Muiden, Muiderberg and Ouder-Amstel.
Do we supply tap water at your new address? Then make sure to register as a new customer.
How much does a cubic metre of water cost?
Our tap water costs 1.22 euros per cubic metre. You are also charged fixed costs, taxes on tap water and VAT.
Where can I view my water usage?
Your water usage ('waterverbruik') is stated on your annual statement. The annual statement can be found in My Waternet.
Boil-water advisory
What is a boil-water advisory?
When we issue a boil-water advisory, we recommend boiling your tap water for 3 minutes before drinking it or using it to prepare food. We do this when we find bacteria that do not belong in the water during an inspection. Boiling the water kills those bacteria.
How long should I boil the water?
The water should boil for 3 minutes to kill all bacteria. For example, in a kettle or pan.
When will I receive a boil-water advisory?
Unfortunately, sometimes the tap water is temporarily not clean enough. This can be the result of a problem or maintenance. For example, when a pipe has been open. If so, there is a small chance that dirt has entered the pipe. As a precaution, you will then receive a boil-water advisory.
Water authority tax
My water authority tax is wrong. What should I do?
Do you suspect that your water tax assessment is incorrect? Please read our explanation of the tax assessment. You can also file an objection online.
Will my assessment change if I move?
Are you moving out of the service area of Regional Public Water Authority Amstel, Gooi en Vecht? Then you will automatically receive a reduced assessment for the year in which you have moved. The following year, you will be charged water authority tax by a different water authority.
Did the number of people of your household change in the course of the year? And you currently live alone? Then we will also reduce your assessment. You will be charged a lower water treatment charge for the remainder of the year.
Do I have to pay my water authority taxes myself? I thought that the expat agency/rental broker would take care of everything.
A tenant must always pay water authority tax: the water system charge for residents and the water treatment charge for private customers.
Registering for tap water
I have moved. How can I register at Waternet?
You can easily register for tap water online. You do not have to register for water authority tax.
I would like to register for tap water, but do not have a meter reading yet. What should I do?
You can already register and submit your meter reading as soon as you can. You can request to be sent a reminder email.
I am moving or I just moved here. What do I need to do?
Are you moving to or out of Amsterdam? Then you need to take action for your tap water.
My Waternet
I cannot log in for My Waternet for Taxes with my DigiD
Are you unable to log in to My Waternet for Taxes? The DigiD website explains how you can log in (again).
I am unable to log in to My Tap Water
Were you unable to log in to My Tap Water? That is unfortunate. Please view our solutions.
I do not know if I have an account for My Tap Water. What to do?
Are you not sure if you already have an account for My Tap Water? Read how to solve the most frequent problems quickly.
Water meter reading
I did not submit my meter reading on time. What should I do?
Are you to late to submit your meter reading? Maybe you forgot or you were on holiday.
I cannot submit my yearly meter reading because I'm on holiday. What happens now?
Are you on holiday, and thus unable to submit your meter reading in time? Then we will estimate your water use.
I cannot read my water meter. What should I do?
Is your water meter fogged up and are you unable to read the water meter? Or is it difficult to reach your water meter? Find out what you can do.