I have moved but am still paying the water authority tax. Why is that?
This may happen if you pay in instalments. You will then pay your assessment in the same portions. And maybe you have not paid all the instalments yet.
I am moving or I just moved here. What do I need to do?
Are you moving to or out of Amsterdam? Then you need to take action for your tap water.
I have moved. How can I register at Waternet?
You can easily register for tap water online. You do not have to register for water authority tax.
The number of people in my household has changed. Should I report this change?
I cannot deregister, as the new inhabitants have already registered. What do I need to do?
Have the new tenants/owners already registered for tap water? Then we will automatically deregister you as a tap water customer at that address. You will soon receive a final tap water bill. If we do not have your email address this bill will be sent to your old address (as your new address is not known to us).
I moved out of The Netherlands. Why am I still getting bills?
I have moved. Why did I still receive a tap water bill?
You will receive a final tap water bill within 2 weeks after you have moved. We will check if you should still submit an additional payment or if you will receive a refund.
Did you pay per month? Your water bill is an advance payment. So sometimes, you will receive a monthly bill before your final bill.
How can I transfer the tap water account to a different name?
How is my final tap water bill determined?
Where does Waternet supply tap water?
Waternet supplies tap water in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Diemen, Heemstede, Muiden, Muiderberg and Ouder-Amstel.
Do we supply tap water at your new address? Then make sure to register as a new customer.