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Register as a customer? Pass on new home address? Cancel your tap water? You can arrange it all here.

Register a new address

Are you moving to a new address where we supply tap water? Or would you like to register an additional address? You can do so here. It only takes 5 minutes.

  • You can use this to take over someone's account.
  • Or to register your new home for tap water while you are in the process of moving.
Register new address
Register new address

Deregister an address

To cancel your tap water at your address you need to first log in to My Waternet. Do this for example when:

  • You are moving to an area where we do not supply tap water.
  • You are moving in with someone who is already our customer.
  • You would like to deregister an additional address.
Deregister address
Deregister address

Questions about moving home

Please inform your municipality of your change of address. Your water authority tax will be automatically adjusted.

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If you moved out of The Netherlands, you may still have to pay an outstanding amount. Please check what kind of bill you received: waterschapsbelasting (water authority tax) or drinkwater (tap water).
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You do not have to take any action. However, you may want to change your monthly instalment.
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Have the new tenants/owners already registered for tap water? Then we will automatically deregister you as a tap water customer at that address. You will soon receive a final tap water bill. This bill will be sent to your old address (as your new address is not known to us).

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We will automatically refund the money to your last known bank account number (IBAN).

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All questions about moving home
Berrybot Berry, the digital assistent