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Late payment of water authority tax

Is your water authority tax overdue? That can happen to anyone. Find out what you should do to prevent extra charges.

You receive your water authority tax assessment once a year. You have the option to pay this within 6 weeks.

Tip: pay your tax assessment in instalments via Direct Debit. Please arrange your Direct Debit on My Waternet. Use your personal DigiD to log in.

Pay tax assessment via My Waternet

Payment reminder

Is your payment for water authority tax late? Then you will receive a payment reminder. This is called 'aanmaning' in Dutch. You will also be charged a late fee of 8 euros. 

Please pay your bill within 2 weeks of receiving the reminder in order to prevent additional charges.


Have you still not paid your bill after the additional two weeks? Then a warrant ('dwangbevel' in Dutch) will be issued and sent to you by mail. You must pay the warrant within 2 days. You must also pay extra charges of at least 44 euros.

Have you not yet paid the warrant? Then we may send your details to a bailiff. Did you get a letter from the bailiff? Then please pay the bill as soon as possible.

Need help paying your bill?

Can't pay your water authority tax assessment right now? Find out how we can help you.

Read more about help by paying the assessment


Do you have a question about your bill? Or do you believe that something is incorrect? Feel free to contact our customer service. We would love to help you!

Berrybot Berry, the digital assistent