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Where can I find my customer number?

You can find your customer number in My Waternet for tap water, on your tap water bill or on your bank account statement for your tap water installments.

Your customer number has 10 digits and starts with a 0 or 1, for example: 0012345678.

Finding your customer number

You can find your customer number:

1. On your tap water bill.
2. In My Waternet for tap water.
3. On your bank account statement of 'Waternet Drinkwater' or 'Waternet/gem. Amsterdam' (only if you pay via Direct Debit).

Didn't find your customer number?

Maybe the contract is in the name of your partner or another member of your household.

New customer?

Are you not yet a customer of Waternet? Register your address for tap water. Then you will receive a customer number.

Register your new home

Water authority tax

You do not have an customer number for water authority tax. Instead, you use your DigiD to identify yourself and to log in to My Waternet for Taxes.

Berrybot Berry, the digital assistent