I moved out of The Netherlands. Why am I still getting bills?
Water authority tax
Your water authority tax consist of several components. Most people pay a water system charge (residents or buildings) and a water treatment charge. These amounts are determined on the 1st of January of each year.
The water treatment charge will be reduced if you move out of The Netherlands.
The water system charge cannot be reduced: it is an non-refundable amount. This means that if you chose to pay your water authority taxes in instalments, you may still receive bills for the unpaid instalments even after moving out of the country.
View and pay your outstanding amount on My Taxes
You can also pay the entire outstanding amount in one go via internet banking.
Tap water bill
Did you receive a tap water bill after moving out of The Netherlands? Then you may have forgotten to cancel your tap water account. If this is the case, please make sure to deregister your old address.
You may also have received a final bill or the final remaining quarterly or monthly bill.