How can I transfer the tap water account to a different name?
You cannot change the name on the tap water account yourself. The new customer must register himself. After that you will automatically receive a final bill.
Your name on the tap water account
Do you want to put the tap water account on your name? Or do you want to take over the contract? Then register yourself as a new customer. The person who was a customer at your address will automatically be deregistered and will receive a final bill.
Report death
Do you want to report a death? You can either stop the supply of tap water, or allow it to continue temporarily. Or you can put the contract in your name.
More questions and answers
How is my final tap water bill determined?
The number of people in my household has changed. Should I report this change?
I have moved. How can I register at Waternet?
You can easily register for tap water online. You do not have to register for water authority tax.