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What are Waternet's bank account numbers?

View our bank account numbers. Please use a different one for each service: your tap water and water authority tax.

Tap water

Please use the following bank account number to pay your tap water bill.

Name: Waternet/Gem. Amsterdam
Bank account number: NL60 RABO 0110 022 777

Water authority tax

Please use the following bank account number to pay your water authority tax assessment.

Name: Waternet/AGV
Bank account number: NL97 NWAB 0636 7503 10

Other bank account numbers

We also use the following 3 bank account numbers: 

Name: Gem. Amsterdam Waternet Algemeen
Bank account number: NL88 RABO 0110 0226 61

Name: Stichting Waternet
Bank account number: NL61 NWAB 0636 7555 17

Name: Waterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht
Bank account number: NL17 NWAB 0636 7555 33

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