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Do you have a low income? You may be eligible for remission of your water authority tax assessment.

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If you automatically receive remission

Have you given us permission to automatically check every year whether you are entitled to remission? Then you don't have to do anything. We will do the same check this year. Only this time you will receive our final ruling later than usual.

Apply for remission

You can apply for remission here online. You will immediately see whether you need to apply to Waternet or to your municipality. If you need to apply to Waternet, you can arrange it directly online.

Apply for remission
Apply for remission

Requirements for remission

For remission there are a number of conditions. The most important ones are:

  • You have a low income level
  • You do not own a home of which the value is more than your mortgage.
  • The money on your bank account(s) does not exceed the applicable standard amount.

Good to know

  • Have you already paid your tax assessment? Or have you started to pay? Even then you can still apply for remission. You can apply until 3 months after your last payment.
  • When you apply for remission, we look at your financial situation on the date of the application.

Questions and answers about remission

No. You can only apply for remission of the water system charge for residents (watersysteemheffing ingezetenen) and the water treatment charge / pollution charge (zuiveringsheffing / verontreinigingsheffing).

You can not apply for remission for the water system charge for buildings, land without buildings or a nature area.

More about the types of water taxes

Yes, you can. Please view the conditions.
Read more
Berrybot Berry, the digital assistent