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Reduction of your assessment

Did you receive a letter about the reduction (‘verlaging’) of your water authority tax assessment? Find out why it was lowered.

Sometimes we reduce your water authority tax assessment. If and when you receive a reduction, you will receive a message in your personal message box (Berichtenbox) at MijnOverheid (You are leaving this website). If you do not use ‘MijnOverheid’, you will receive a notification letter. 

Water authority tax consists of several components including a water treatment charge and a water system charge. The assessment is only lowered in specific situations. Which component is lowered depends on your situation. 

We will lower the assessment in the following 5 situations: 

1. You have moved.

You will pay a lower water treatment charge (‘zuiveringsheffing’) if you move out of our service area. You only have to pay a treatment charge for the period that you lived at your former address. A notification letter will be sent to your new address. Have you moved within our service area? Usually, your payments will not change. 

When you move, the amount of water system charge for residents (‘watersysteemheffing ingezetenen’) will remain the same. This is a fixed, non-refundable amount per year. It is based on your living situation on the 1st of January. 

2. You now live on your own.

Did the number of people of your household change in the course of the year? And do you currently live alone at the same address? Then you will pay a lower water treatment charge (‘zuiveringsheffing’)  A single-person household pays a lower water treatment charge than a household of 2 people or more.

Your municipality will let us know when the number of people in your household changes; in this case when you started to live alone. We will calculate the reduction based on this information and will automatically lower the assessment. 

The amount of water system charge (‘watersysteemheffing') will remain the same. This is a fixed, non-refundable amount per year. It is based on your living situation on the 1st of January and will not change if the number of people in your household changes. 

3. The WOZ-value of your home or business premises dropped.

You will pay less water system charge for owners of land with buildings (‘watersysteemheffing gebouwd because this component is derived from the WOZ value (Valuation of Immovable Property Act (You are leaving this website)) of your home or business premises. Your municipality determines the WOZ value. 

4. You now live alone because a member of your household passed away.

You now live alone because a member of your household passed away. We will reduce the amount of your de zuiveringsheffing (water treatment charge). The amount of water system charge will remain the same.

5. A person who lived alone has passed away.

Has a person who was living alone passed away? Then the tax assesment will be transferred to the heir(s). We will reduce the amount of your de zuiveringsheffing (water treatment charge) accordingly. The amount of water system charge will remain the same.

I am entitled to a refund. When will the money be in my bank account?

Have you paid your assessments and you are entitled to a refund? Then we will transfer the money to the bank account number which is known to us. After we have determined that you are owed a refund we will transfer the funds. 

Where can I find my assessment?

You can find your assessment on My Waternet. Please log in with your DigiD.

Go to My Waternet

Why is the water system charge not lowered?

The water system charge for residents is determined each year on Januari 1st. The situation on Januari 1st determines the charge for the entire year. A change in the situation during the year doesn't change the amount. This is stated in the law.

Berrybot Berry, the digital assistent