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General Terms and Conditions for Tap water in plain language

Waternet wrote a summary of our General Terms and Conditions in plain language. So you know where you stand and we do too.

Would you like to know all the details? Please read the General terms and conditions (pdf, 319 kB). It contains the important legal information. Did you sign a contract with Waternet? The extensive (official) General Terms and Conditions will always apply.  You cannot derive any rights from this summary.


Article 1: Who we are and where you can find us.

We are Waternet. Waternet supplies tap water to the municipality of Amsterdam. And to part of the provinces of Utrecht and Noord-Holland.

Would you like to visit us?

This is the address of our main office:

Korte Ouderkerkerdijk 7
1096 AC Amsterdam.

Would you like to send us something?

Please send it to our postal address:

Postbus 94370
1090 GJ Amsterdam.

You can also chat with us or call us.

Go to Contact our customer service team and start a chat or give us a call

Article 2: Applying for or changing a connection to the public water network.

You can apply for a new connection here (You are leaving this website). Or change an existing connection.

Are you applying for a connection together with other people? Then we can ask everyone to help pay for the connection. And everyone will be responsible for the connection. Only Waternet is allowed to install the connection. The same applies when a connection needs to be changed or replaced. 

We cannot always connect you to the public water network. For example, when we cannot deliver enough tap water to your address. Or when the existing public water network is not near your home.

Are you still waiting for a permit? Or did you fail to pay your tap water bills from Waternet? Then we cannot connect you to the public water network. Or we will first need to make clear agreements with you.  

We can only connect your home to the public water network if your home complies with the rules of the Dutch Civil Code (You are leaving this website). If you are renting a business unit in a multi-tenanted building and it has one connection to the public water net, it will only have one water meter. So, we will not be able to measure your water use separately.

Are you planning om applying for a connection to the public water network? Please be aware that there are technical requirements.

Article 3: Who is the owner of the connection to the public water network? Who does the maintenance and repairs?

We are the owners of a connection to the public water network. We do all the repairs and replace parts when needed. We will discuss everything with you beforehand. Of course, we cannot do so if a problem is urgent.

It is free of charge to have a connection checked by Waternet. So is the maintenance. Have you asked us to change a connection? Or does work need to be done because you changed something yourself? Then you will be billed for the work.

Article 4: What type of work are we allowed to do in your home or building?

Sometimes, we need to do work on water pipes for your neighbours. We might need access to your home or building to do this and you must grant us access.

Our colleagues must be able to easily access your water meter or connection to the water main. For example, this may not be located behind a wall. We will ask you to ensure that we have clear access to the connection and the water meter.

Article 5: The water pipes in your home or building.

Only people with the necessary knowledge may install a tap water system or connect equipment to the public water system.

Please properly maintain your tap water system and taps. If something goes wrong, we should always be able to check your tap water system and taps.

Is there more than 1 connection to the public water system in 1 home or building? Please let us know. Never connect 2 or more separate connections. Is your own tap water system not working properly? Is water being wasted? Then we will estimate how much water is involved. You will receive a bill for the amount of wasted water.

Article 6: When will I receive tap water? And what does the contract mean?

You will receive tap water as soon as the contract is signed. Are you entering into the contract together with other people? Then everyone will be billed separately.  Everyone will also be responsible for the connection. Is the contract for your home? Then you can sign the contract with us.

Do you have your own company? And you are sharing the building with other companies? Then we will have the owner of the building sign the contract. Are you the only company using water? Then you can sign the contract with us.

Terminate the contract

Do you no longer wish to have tap water supplied? Are you the owner of the building? Then you can terminate the contract. The contract will end on the first day of the next quarter. Are you a tenant? You may terminate the contract and it will end on the first day of the next month. Are you neither an owner or a tenant? Please view Article 6 of the extensive (official) Terms and Conditions to see which conditions apply to you.

Do you have a connection but you do not have a water meter? Or are you sharing 1 water meter with other people? Then you can only terminate the contract when you sell or no longer rent the home.

Make sure to write us a letter if you wish to terminate a contract. Please do so 10 days beforehand or it will continue until the next payment date.

Waternet can also terminate the contract. However, this will only happen for important reasons. We will explain these reasons in a letter. We will do this at least 90 days in advance.

Did you fail to terminate the contract according to the rules? Or did you fail to have the connection shut off in time? Then the contract will continue.

Article 7: What happens if we cannot supply tap water because of a service interruption or problems.

We supply tap water. Are there any problems? Or a service interruption? If we are unable to supply tap water, we will solve the problem as soon as possible.

Article 8: What happens if you have no or less tap water because of (maintenance) work or a service interruption.

We have to ensure there is enough tap water for everyone. Therefore, we pay careful attention what water is used for. Please use tap water for its intended purposes.

Do we have to carry out work on the tap water system unexpectedly? Then we may temporarily shut off the water supply. We may not always have enough time to warn you.  Has the work been planned in advance? And will the water supply be cut off when we are carrying out work? Then we will let you know at least 2 days in advance.

Article 9: You are not sticking to the contract. What will happen?

Is something wrong with your tap water system? Or you did not pay all of your tap water bills? Then we may shut off your tap water supply.

Article 10: How do we know how much tap water you use and how much you need to pay?

Do you have a water meter? This always keeps track of your water usage. You can submit your water meter once a year. If we have not received your water reading, we will estimate your water use. We will use the earlier meter reading of your address.

We can also read the meter for you. Was your latest meter reading you submitted incorrect? And your actual water use was higher? Then you will have to pay a higher amount.

Article 11: The water meter.

Waternet supplies and owns the water meter. We are responsible for maintaining the water meter.

Have you made changes to your water meter? And, therefore, we need to change your connection to the public water network? Or the water meter itself? Then you will be billed for the resulting work.

We may ask you to properly protect the water meter. For example, when it is very cold..

The water meter contains a seal. This allows us to see who last did the maintenance of the meter. You are not allowed to remove or damage the seal.

Article 12: What happens if the water meter does not work properly?

Do you think that the water meter is not working properly?  Then we can check your meter.

Does the meter reading differ from the actual water use by less than 4%? Then your water meter is working properly. You will receive an invoice for the provided service.

Does the meter reading differ from the actual water use by more than 4%? Then the provided service will be free of charge.

You will be informed of the results by letter. Did we remove the water meter after the inspection? In that case, we will keep the water meter up to 6 weeks after the letter was sent to you. This will allow the water meter to be further inspected at a later date.

Article 13: Is your water meter broken or not working properly?

Have we inspected your water meter? And have you clearly paid too much? Then we will determine the amount of money that will be refunded to you. Your water supply will be recalculated for the period during which the meter was not working properly. This will be recalculated for a period of up to 24 months.

Did you pay too little? Then you will receive a bill for a period of up to 18 months.

If we are not able to determine your water use, we will estimate it. This will be based on your earlier water use. We will also look at how much water a similar house or building uses.

Article 14: What does tap water cost?

Connecting you water system to the public water network costs money. The maintenance and supply of tap water also costs money. We have an overview of these costs, the company’s rate scheme (‘tarievenregeling drinkwater (You are leaving this website)'). On top of this, you pay tap water tax. You can find all of the charges on your bill.

How much you pay is based on your specific situation. Therefore, we are allowed to ask you questions. For example, about your home and the number of people in your household.

Article 15: Payment of the tap water bill.

You should pay a tap water bill within 14 days. Did you fail to pay on time? Then you will receive a payment reminder, including a late fee.

Are you having difficulties paying the bill? You can make a special payment arrangement We will look for a solution together with you.

Do we owe you money? Then you still must pay your next advance payment for your tap water. If you have a water meter, you will receive a final tap water bill once annually. Have you paid for more water than you have consumed? Then the difference will be refunded. Have you paid for less water than you have consumed? Then you should pay the difference to Waternet. 

You will always receive a bill for your tap water. Except if you pay your advance payment via Direct Debit. Then you will only receive a final tap water bill.

Article 16: Waternet is allowed to ask for (bank) guarantees.

We may request a letter from your bank which states that you can have enough money to pay the bills. Or a letter of a person who will pay for you, if need be.

We may also ask you to pay in advance. Or that you pay an amount that you will be refunded at a later time. This is called a security deposit.

Article 17: What is not allowed?

Your water pipes are not allowed to cause problems for your neighbours or our water pipes and installations. We also must be able to easily access your water meter. Please do not connect your water pipes to a different water system; you may not pass the tap water on to a different plot.

The water meter contains a seal. This allows us to see who last did the maintenance of the meter. You are not allowed to remove or damage the seal.

The water meter should function properly. You may not hinder the measuring of your water use.

Does your home or building have a copper cable for lightning protection? This may not be attached to the water pipes.

Are you not sticking to the rules? You are risking a fine of 350 euros.

Article 18: Sometimes, we need your help.

We do our best to ensure that you will not experience any inconvenience when we are carrying out work.

Is something broken? Let us know. Please grant our service technician access to your home to do repair work. He or she can always prove that they work for Waternet, they carry an identification document. Are you moving home? Have you sold your home? Please let us know on time. Are you a tenant? Please ask the owner of your building or home if we may carry out the work.

Did you not allow our service technician to enter your home? Or did you fail to tell us that something was broken? You are risking a fine of 350 euros.

Article 19: When is Waternet liable for damage?

Waternet might be liable for damage if we cannot supply tap water. We are only responsible if we make a mistake.

If we cannot supply tap water and this is caused by things beyond our control, we  cannot be held liable.

We will only pay for damage to your property which you actually use. Was property of your company damaged? Or did your company lose revenue? Then you will not be compensated by Waternet.

We might offer compensation if someone was injured or in the event of someone’s death.

Have you suffered damage? Please always report your damage within 4 weeks.

Read everything about damage and compensation in Article 19 of the extensive (official) General Terms and Conditions.

Article 20: Fines.

Sometimes we will impose a fine. When? This is described in Article 17 and 18.

The rules for the payment of fines are the same as the rules which apply for the tap water bill. They can be found in Article 15.

Article 21: If you disagree with us.

Do you have a complaint? Then you should write a letter to the Consumer Complaints Board (‘Geschillencommissie’) (You are leaving this website). This is an organisation which investigates if you are right. We have to accept the decision of the Consumer Complaints Board. However, some rules do apply. You must first send your complaint to Waternet. Did you do this? Then your complaint must be submitted to the Complaints Board within 12 months. Are you complaining because you wanted a special payment scheme? And we refused. Then you have 10 days to submit your complaint to the Complaints Board.

Waternet also has the option to file a complaint with the Complaint Board. You must accept the decision. Do you disagree? Or did you respond after 5 weeks? Then we will bring the case before a court of law.

Article 22: Exceptions.

Are there special circumstances? Then we can make other arrangements in consultation with you.

Article 23: If we change the General Terms and Conditions. 

The General Terms and Conditions of Waternet can change. You can read about the changes in newspapers or magazines. New Terms and Conditions will also apply to new contracts.

Do you disagree with the new Terms and Conditions? Then you have the option to  terminate the contract. Read more about terminating your contract in Article 6.

Article 24: Our mission.

We will continue to supply your tap water as long as we are allowed to. This permission is called a concession.

Article 25: Where are these terms and conditions derived from?

All of the tap water suppliers in The Netherlands are members of an organisation .This is the ‘VEWIN (You are leaving this website)’. Waternet uses the model terms and conditions which were drawn up by the VEWIN. Together with the Consumers’ Association (‘Consumentenbond’).

Berrybot Berry, the digital assistent