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Tap water units (eenheden)

If your home does not have a water meter, we base our calculation on the number of units in your home. These will be stated on your bill. The more units your home has, the more you pay for your tap water.

We add up all the units up to a maximum of 9.

How is the number of units determined?

The following spaces count as 1 unit:

  • each room larger than 6 m²
  • kitchen
  • bath
  • garage
  • garden larger than 65 m²

The following space counts as 2 units:

  • each room larger than 30 m²

Examples of how to determine the number of units in your home

Example 1

You live in an apartment with 3 rooms, a kitchen and a bath. Each room is larger than 6 m². Your home consists of the following units:

  • 3 rooms which are larger than 6 m²: 3 units
  • 1 kitchen: 1 unit
  • 1 bath: 1 unit

Total: 5 units

Example 2

You live in a family home with 5 rooms. Your living room is 32 m². You have a garden of  25 m². Your home consists of the following units:

  • 4 rooms which are larger than 6 m²: 4 units
  • 1 room which is larger than 30m²: 2 units
  • 1 kitchen: 1 unit
  • Garden of 25 m²: 0 units

Total: 7 units

Rates for units

Please view the rates

View the number of units of my home

You can find the number of units of your home on your tap water bill. Please go to My Waternet and  log in to My Tap Water to view your bill.

View your tap water bill

Change the number of units of my home

Would you like to change the number of units on which your bill is based? Then please contact our customer service team. They will be more than happy to help you.

Contact our customer service

Berrybot Berry, the digital assistent