Tap water tax (belasting op leidingwater)
You pay 2 types of taxes on your tap water: VAT and tap water tax. Tap water tax is an environmental tax. The aim of this tax is to encourage people to use tap water sparingly.
You pay tap water tax when you consume tap water supplied by Waternet. The amount of tax you pay depends on your specific situation and how many cubic metres of water you consume.
My home has a water meter
How much tax you pay depends on how many cubic metres (1 m³ = 1,000 litres) of tap water you consume. In addition to this, 9% VAT is charged on the consumption of tap water. The taxes you pay are specified on your tap water bill.
Your total tap water charges can be found on the charges for homes with a water meter page.
Most households have 1 water connection and do not use more than 300 m³ per year. Do you use more than 300 m³ of water? Then you do not have to pay tap water tax on the water consumption that exceeds 300 m³.
My home does not have a water meter
The amount of water tax you pay depends on the number of units in your home. Your total tap water charges can be found on the charges for homes without a water meter page.