2025 rates
- € 1.22 per m³ for your water use (1 m³ = 1,000 litres).
- € 98.42 fixed costs per year for the management and maintenance of the water mains.
- € 0.425 tap water tax per 1,000 litres of water.
- € 1.50 for every bill we send you by mail. Digital bills are free of charge. You may change your contact preferences in My Waternet.
- 9% VAT, levied over all costs listed above.
Where can I find my water use?
Your water use of the previous year is stated on your annual tap water statement. We will send you this statement every year after you have submitted your meter reading. You will receive your statement through the post or by email. You can also view your statements at My Waternet. Have you not yet received your annual statement? Then please view the rates in the table.
Payment options for your tap water bill
You can either pay your tap water bill per month or per quarter in advance, just like your energy bill. This is called an advance payment. The advance payment amount is based on the previous water use at your address. So, this is either based on your previous water use or that of the previous resident(s). Do you live in a newly built home? Then we will estimate your water use based on a tap water use of 50 m³ per person per year (1 m³ = 1,000 litres). This is the average water use per person.
Your water meter keeps track of your water use. You must submit your water reading once a year. This allows us to compare your actual water use to your advance payments. Then you will receive your annual tap water statement. The statement shows if funds will be reimbursed or if an additional payment is required.