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Understanding your monthly or quarterly bill for tap water

Every month or every 3 months you will receive a bill for your tap water. You pay the amount on this bill in advance.

You can view all your monthly or quarterly bills in My Waternet.

Go to My Waternet

What can I see on my monthly or quarterly bill?

If your home has a water meter

If you have a water meter, then these amounts are stated on your bill:

  • Water usage: This is an estimate of how much water you will use. We estimate this based on your previous water usage. Do you think this estimate is incorrect? Then please contact our customer service team.
  • Standing charge: This is a fixed annual amount used to maintain the water pipes. You pay a portion of this amount every month or every 3 months.
  • Tap water tax: This tax is charged per m³ of your water usage. More about tap water tax.
  • Billing costs: You pay €1.50 if you receive your bill by post. If you choose to receive it by email, you do not have to pay this fee.
  • VAT): You pay 9% tax on the standing charge, your water usage, and the tax on tap water.
  • Total payment due: The total amount you need to pay.

If your home does not have a water meter

If your home does not have a water meter, then these amounts are stated on your bill:

  • Water usage: You pay a standing charge for your tap water. This is based on the number of units of your home.
  • Standing charge: This is a fixed annual amount used to maintain the water pipes. You pay a portion of this amount every month or every 3 months.
  • Tap water tax: This tax is charged per m³ of your water usage. More about tap water tax.
  • Billing costs: You pay €1.50 if you receive your bill by post. If you choose to receive it by email, you do not have to pay this fee.
  • VAT): You pay 9% tax on the standing charge, your water usage, and the tax on tap water.
  • Total payment due: The total amount you need to pay.
Berrybot Berry, the digital assistent