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Our water

Waternet is the only water company in The Netherlands that focuses on the entire water cycle. We treat waste water, produce ready-to-drink tap water and keep the surfacewaters cleand and at the right levels. We do this on behalf of the municipality of Amsterdam and Water Authority Amstel, Gooi and Vecht.

iemand drinkt water uit een glas.

Read about tap water rates. Submit your meter reading. Or register your new address.

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Graslandschap met water in de Bethunepolder.

Surface water is open water such as rivers, lakes, canals and ditches. Read more about how we take care of the surface water.

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Regenpijp in de tuin.

Groundwater is water in the ground. Find out more about the negative effects if groundwater levels decline too far or rise too rapidly.

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Rioolzuivering panorama

There are 2 type of sewer water: wastewater and rainwater. What does Waternet do with all of this water?

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We check the dykes every 12 years. This is done very thoroughly. We check whether they still meet the dyke safety requirements of the province.

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Half of The Netherlands consists of polders. Waternet and the Water Authority Amstel, Gooi en Vecht ensure safe polders and clean water.

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Zwemmen in de Gaasperplas

Would you like to go swimming? The best place to go swimming is in the designated swimming spots where you can be sure the water is safe and clean.

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Berrybot Berry, the digital assistent
Waternet says:Good day! I'm your digital assistant. I don't have the answers to all questions in English yet, I'm still learning. But I will do my best! How can I help you?