Frequently asked questions
Why is the water authority tax higher in 2024?
In recent years, we have kept the water authority tax as low as possible. But our costs have gone up a lot. This is due in part to higher energy costs and to climate change. It is becoming more and more expensive to make sure we live safely below sea level and that there is enough clean water.
Why does Waternet withdraw 2 amounts from my bank account each month?
Sometimes, we will withdraw 2 amounts from your bank account in 1 month. Often, 1 amount is for your tap water and 1 amount is for your water authority tax. Or you may have been charged for 2 years of water authority tax in one go. Find out which bills you have paid.
Why did I receive a tax assessment for multiple years?
Did you receive multiple bills for water authority tax? Or shorty after each other? That can happen.
I would like to request a payment plan. How does it work?
You can request a payment plan for tap water and water authority tax.
Where can I find my customer number?
You can find your customer number in My Waternet for tap water, on your tap water bill or on your bank account statement for your tap water installments.
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Call us
Call us on business days between 08:00 and 17:00. Want to report a water problem? You can call us 24 hours a day.
Social media
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Chat available
Our digital assistant Berry can answer many of your questions. Is Berry unable to help you? Then you can chat with one of our colleagues.
Contact form
Ask your question using the contact form.
Main office address
Stichting Waternet
Korte Ouderkerkerdijk 7
1096 AC Amsterdam
Please note that our parking garage is located in Markonstraat. Use this street name for your navigation.
Opening hours
The servicedesk for questions about tap water and water authority tax is open from 13.30 till 15.30 on business day.